Wednesday, May 6, 2020
American Military Intervention Against Isis - 1048 Words
For many years ISIS has been terrorizing the East, with a few sporadic attacks in America claiming to be a part of ISIS. This has been happening alongside the Syrian civil war where ISIS is attempting to topple the Assad Shiite regime. Obama has been assisting the rebels in Syria and the fight against ISIS, but he has been reluctant to put boots on the ground. Because of the new attacks on American embassies in the East, the president has decided to militarily intervene. In accordance to Just War Theory, this plan for American military intervention against ISIS is justified on moral grounds as it follows all three parts of the theory. This is supported by the current global state and Bush’s national security strategy from 2002. The first part of Just War Theory is Jus Ad Bellumâ€â€America has a morally righteous cause to go to war because it is motivated by defending civilians. Part of this is that a just war can only be taken by a legitimate authority, most commonly a sta te. Not only would the United States be a legitimate state, the president will have authorization from congress to start this war, legitimizing a war against ISIS domestically. Another part of jus ad bellum is having a â€Å"right intention†that is motivated by defense. This is the case for ISIS. In this scenario considering ISIS launched a series of attacks against American embassies, killing hundred. ISIS has not and will not just stop attacking civilians until they are forced to or they get what they want. AShow MoreRelatedAmerican Military Intervention Against Isis1040 Words  | 5 PagesPresident Obama stated that, â€Å"[ISIS is] not an existential threat to us. They are vicious killers and murderers who perverted one of the world’s great religions†(Obama, 2016). ISIS resembles a typical state instead of a terrorist organization, through holding territory and region-specific revenue sources (Crawford, 2003). 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